Double down on your double chin

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Frequency Of Treatment

2-4 treatments spaced 6 weeks apart


Starting at $600 (4 recommended)

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What is Kybella?

Kybella destroys fat cells. It is a non-surgical, FDA-approved injectable treatment that targets fat cells under the chin to reduce the appearance of a double chin.

How does Kybella work?

Kybella uses a naturally occurring molecule called deoxycholic acid to break down and absorb dietary fat.

When the deoxycholic acid is injected, it targets the submental fat and permanently destroys fat cells so that they can no longer accumulate fat for storage.

What can I expect from the Kybella injection procedure?

The Kybella treatment will begin with a consultation to determine the best plan and locate the ideal injection sites.

The cosmetic procedure then begins with your doctor marking the predetermined injection sites and applying a topical numbing cream to help reduce discomfort.

Kybella treatment sessions typically last 20 to 30 minutes, and are given in a series of 2-4 treatments spaced 6 weeks apart. This can vary amongst patients depending on the severity of their double chin.

When will I notice Kybella results?

Results become visible gradually with the fat cell destruction process. Most patients see best results a few weeks after their final Kybella treatment session.

How long does Kybella last?

Because the deoxycholic acid in Kybella injections destroys submental fat cells, the results are long lasting and follow up treatments are typically unnecessary. The permanence of effects can be impacted by significant weight gain, so leading a healthy lifestyle is an important part of maintaining results.

Who is a good candidate for Kybella?

Any adult with a moderate to severe fat beneath the chin is an excellent candidate for Kybella injections. You may not be eligible if you are pregnant or nursing, typically have trouble swallowing, have an infection in the treatment area, or if you’re planning to get facial surgery.

Double down on your double chin

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